No Sale - No Fees*

If you are a tenant or landlord and need to submit a maintenance request to Ganesh Real Estate, please follow these simple steps:

1. Contact Ganesh Real Estate: Reach out to our office via phone, email, or through our online portal to inform us about the maintenance issue. Provide details about the nature of the problem, such as the type of repair needed and any specific details that may help us understand the issue better.

2. Provide Necessary Information: In your communication, please include your name, contact information, and the property address for quick identification. This will help our team locate the property in our records and ensure a prompt response.

3. Submit Supporting Documentation: If possible, attach any relevant photos or documents related to the maintenance request. This can help provide further clarity and assist our team in assessing the issue accurately.

4. Receive Confirmation: Once we receive your maintenance request, our team will acknowledge receipt and inform you of the next steps. We may schedule an inspection or coordinate with the appropriate contractor to address the issue.

5. Evaluation and Action: Our property management team will promptly evaluate the maintenance request and determine the appropriate course of action. We will consider factors such as the urgency of the issue, the availability of contractors, and any applicable warranties or service agreements.

6. Schedule Repairs: If repairs are required, we will arrange for qualified contractors to visit the property and assess the situation. Once the assessment is complete, we will communicate with you to schedule the repairs at a convenient time.

7. Completion and Follow-up: After the repairs have been carried out, our team will follow up with you to ensure that the issue has been resolved to your satisfaction. We encourage open communication, so if any further concerns arise or if the problem persists, please notify us immediately.

At Ganesh Real Estate, we understand the importance of timely and efficient maintenance. Our goal is to ensure that all maintenance requests are addressed promptly and professionally. By following these steps, you can help us streamline the process and provide the best possible service for your property.

If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to help and committed to maintaining your property to the highest standard.
